Friday, April 18, 2008

I am an Ant Hill Farmer

I'll grow it all just right and then tear it all apart. For what should not be torn that is fully grown? Should the earth not be eroded to expose what lies beneath? Should the flower stay always in bloom, so as not to challenge the supremacy of life? Or shall it rise majestically and then die in full view, with no vanity to save. The grass shall take the harshest heat and then be laid anew. Things will die in the most heroic fashion, and then they will remember that they have no business staying brave. It was for the moment and it has extended itself quite enough for one day. But there are other moments of course. All things done and then all things laid to rest. All things builded, and then all things back down again.

The juice squeezed from all the lovely fruit. Straight into the mouth for quick consumption. There is no waste in nature.

A quick comment builded within goes any of a million ways.

A dog has no business staying hungry, and every once in a while, it's time to say goodnight for far too long.

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