Saturday, October 11, 2008

In Living Pg 2

The days Al Sooley lived spanned the entire spectrum of emotional digestion and explusion, physical interaction and psychological exploration. One landscape, taken away by sleep, gave way to the next. Today, Al woke in an uncomfortable chair. Its back was stiff and his back felt wretched. Light only found its way inside through one narrow slot in the blinds. The room smelled of every kind of waste. I don't like this place, Al thought, scanning, seeking something familiar to link this morning to all others. There was always something. He saw a bed a few feet in front of him. Immediately a string of words lept to mind:

Here she lies
With no chance of disguise
From all the elements now drawn
To lead her out before the dawn.

Through her leaving she has given me courage. Courage I must now spend on the work ahead. With bold direction and forthright footsteps. 

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